Jan 1, 2017
Second Contract Signature with the European Space Agency (ESA)

OQ Technology Sarl has proudly signed its second contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) under the national program supported and funded by Luxembourg Government for the design and simulaiton of a global Internet-of-Things data platform. After a successful market research and business evaluation, and the continuous requests of potential customers to provide a solution that addresses their critical needs in the field of IoT and Big Data, OQ Technology Sarl has moved into the phase of designing bespoke solutions based on deep market knowledge and latest innovations in telecommunication technology. The design is composed of 6 main deliverables:
- Orbital Design of the constellation and developing preliminary mission requirements.
- Investigation of NB-IoT and LoRa for the deisgn and radio link suitability.
- Link Budget analysis.
- Network simulation and performance results.
- Proposing necessary changes that allow 3GPP NB-IoT to work over LEO satellites.
- Proposing an In-Orbit-Desmonstraiton mission and definign requirements.
the contract value is 233,000 EUR.
OQ Technology Sarl welcomes the support of Luxembourg Government and the collaboration of the European Space Agency (ESA) and looks forward to establishing a long-term relationship.
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